Thursday, October 3, 2013

A Buck Is Down In Wisconsin

     The Christian hunting team has its first harvested deer of the season. John Petras took down a nice 7 point buck on September 15. It had been a dozen years since John had shot a deer with a bow. As a matter of fact, John had gotten out of bow hunting completely. But with a little convincing from yours truly, I got him back into bow hunting and within no time John had buck fever.

     There are two lessons that we can learn from John. First, he made the right adjustments. John set up a stand, had a number of deer come through but the bucks that came in were out of range. Instead of wishing for the bucks to walk by his stand, he moved his stand to where they had been. He was rewarded the next time he got in his stand. In life, there are circumstances that require us to change if we desire a different result. Whether it be conquering sin, doing better in the classroom, becoming more productive in the work place, or anything else, change is a necessity.

     Lesson number two, John is a very busy man. He works two jobs, one as a bus driver, and he also is a personal trainer. He is a good example of "redeeming the time" (Ephesians 5:16). We all wish we had more time for things don't we? But it's easier to find and make time for things we enjoy, how ironic. John does not fall into this trap because anytime I need help with something he is there (and most of the time it involves lifting something heavy). It's not about making time for just our hobbies, it's about making time for each other. That's Gospel folks!

John Petras with his 7 point buck on September 15, 2013